In the shadowy depths of The Harmonic Realm, a once-prominent composer faced a devastating betrayal when his symphonies were silenced by a jealous and inept rival. Consumed by despair and rage, he stumbled upon an ancient relic, the Harmonic Wave Manipulation Machine, which bestowed upon him insurmountable powers, and tied to him sound and music forever. Transformed into the villainous Dr. Vanhattan, he channeled his abilities to craft enchanting melodies that could manipulate emotions and bend reality. While his intentions were to provide beauty and joy to the beautiful lifeforms of his realm, his methods grew increasingly tyrannical, as he demanded obedience through the captivating allure of his music. In his quest to reclaim the adoration he once had, Dr. Vanhattan became a formidable force, battling anyone who dared to disrupt the symphonic utopia he sought to create. Where does your allegiance lie?